Auburn Canal - Photos by Susan Malloy, Alice and Art McGrath, Gunilla Cristal, Jim Cutler, and Monique Wood
I received 45 photos, including 5 of the dog - so don't feel bad if you favorite photo got triaged

Our leaders, Tom Eberlein and Sue Mott

The group - looks like we are returning to "normal" times
Along the Canal

Other sights along the way

A troll home?

Maybe this is the troll

A lending library

Bespectacled dog - happy to have its eyes protected
Scenery from the trail

American River



New hiker Judi with Tom and Jim

Alice and Art

Sue and Carolyn

Sue Ann and Susan

Alice, Barb, Karen, and Gunilla

Karin, Lillian, and Carolyn
At the Amed Forces Pavillion and Community Garden

Tom, Sue, and Carolyn

David and Monique

This guy is really interested in people