Murals and History of Lincoln - Photos by Susan Mulloy and David Keeler

Our tour started at the Gallery of the Art League of Lincoln

Our group admiring the mural of Dillians Bar and Grill

Our group on Lincoln Blvd

A large mural on Lincoln Blvd

Our guide, Jean Cross, describes the mural we are seeing

The group looking at the Poppy mural

The poppies attracted a lot of cameras


Being watched frtom the windows

Showing a Native American Nisenan Indian

Group observing large mural

Part of the large mural - depicting Gladding McBean in Lincoln's history

Jean explaining the deopiction of agriculture coming to Lincoln

This entryway shows off Gladding McBean decorative tiles

More Gladding McBean terracotta

Group outside Lincoln Civic Auditorium

At the museum of the Lincoln Historical Society in the old City Hall building

Our founding father, Charles Lincoln Wilson

In Beerman Plaza

Outside Simple Pleasures - lunch and high-jinks