Sutter Buttes - Docent-Led Tour - Photos by Susan Mulloy, Alice McGrath, Denny Fisher, and Mike Nusink

Blacksmith exhibit in the museum in Yuba City

Organizing in the parking lot

Approaching the Buttes - North Butte on the right
The following photos are divided into the two groups that had defferent docent guides

Docents Mike and Joe

Rocky terrain!

Looking north into the valley

One of the groups - in the middle of the Buttes

Photographer Susan, in front of the North Butte to prove she was theree

Indian grinding rocks

Lunch time

Chris and Barb

The group moves on


Through gnarly oaks

Approaching the hill crest

Through the rocky terrain

Bypassing the next hill

Meanwhile, docent Spencer is talking to the other group

Spencer is describing the North Butte

Not everyone leaves the Buttes intact

Up through the enchanted forest

North Butte

The valley and Thermalito Forebay

We are the vistors - here are the local residents

Docent Spencer and an ancient tree

Dan checks out some farm equipment that has seen better days

After lunch - getting some more information before moving on

A great view of the Buttes local terrain

Down the golden hillside

Vista of the Buttes hills and valleys

Jack and Debbie getting their shot

Beautiful vistas along the way