Cambria Getaway
Photos from this Getaway have been divided into several separate files to simplify your browsing experience (shorten the loading time).
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The photos have been contributed by Dan & Wiilma Cortinovis,Tess Devenish, Barb Profitt, and David & Monique Wood

On the first day, we hiked into Fiscalini Preserve, on the boardwalk to lunch, then back along the Ridge Trail in Fiscalini Preserve.
Photos from the first day.

On the second day we hiked in San Simeon Park, then scattered for other hikes/activities.
Photos from San Simeon Park.
Photos from the Bluff Trail in Fiscalini Preserve
Photos from other activities (Elephants Seals and Nitt Witt Ridge)

On the third day we went to Montaņa de Oro.  The main group hiked to Oats Peak and others hiked along the Bluff Trail.

And there are other photos to share.