Eagle Peak Hike in Mount Diablo State Park
Photos by Dan Cortinovis, Sue Geisler, Alice McGrath, and  Ed Murach

Rich McDrew
The group starts out under the leadership of Sue's brother, Rich McDrew

The trail starts level and easy

A pause on the trail

Mitchell Rock
Break time at Mitchell Rock

The group poses

The vista opens up

Eagle Peak
View of Eagle Peak

Eagle Peak
Getting closer

starting up
Starting toward the peak

View of valley starts to open up

The trail was unrelenting upward to Eagle Peak (No, we didn't get lost in the bushes!!)

at the peak
Finally! - At the top - Eagle Peak!!   And time for lunch

lunch at the peak
Enjoying lunch and the vista of the valley below and Suisun Bay

Lunch time

Awesome view of quarry, valley, and bay

The group atop  Eagle Peak - Rich McDrew and retired ranger Burt Bogardus are on the far right

Eagle Peak Descent - In the distance is Mount Diablo.  The museum at the top is the little point to the left of the tower

Magestic Valley Oak - possible 350 years old

Along the trail was a magnificent display of wild flowers..................

wild cumcumber
Wild cucumber & also called Manroot due to the large, often man-sized roots hidden under ground

shooting vstars
Shooting Stars

checker lillies
Checker Lilies, with Dan's hand helping them pose

scarlet larkspur
Scarlet Larkspur

western wallflower
Western Wallflower