Strawberry Lodge Getaway Photos        Dennis Ratay and Monique Wood

The first day's hike was to Scotts Lake

Wildflowers were profuse

Snow plant - what is a Snow Plant?
snow plant

Scotts Lake
Scotts Lake

Cocktail time is always an important part of our getaways

Dennis, Jim, Kathy and Denny - lots of wine and good food on the Strawberry Lodge patio
good food

Penny and Chris are loving our pre-dinner wine time
Penny and Chris

Barry, Gay, Margaret and Dennis
Barry, Gay, Margaret, Dennis

Apres-cocktail dinner that evening at Strawberry Lodge (looks like booze is still flowing)

Celebrating Gail's  birthday


The next day, a smaller contingent set off for an adventure to Aloha Lake

The group at Echo Lake

It turned out to be a real adventure in the snow

Approaching Aloha Lake
approaching lake

Jim and Denny
Jim and Denny

Aloha Lake