Underground Sacramento Tour - Photos by Dennis Ratay

Here are photos of the aboveground part of our underground tour - exploring the Old Sacramento Riverfront Promenade

The Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge

Our group - thanks to a helpful passer-by

An old locomotive, waiting for refurbishment and display in the Railroad Museum -
locomotives of this wheel arrangement (4-8-4) are called a "Northern" - but railroads in the south refused to accept that name, so they were usually simply "4-8-4"
old loco

A view across the Sacramento River
across the Sacramento River

The group rests at the western end of our walk
group resting

Fall colors - a bit of New England in Sacramento
fall colors

The Riverfront Promenade

A view of the Capitol Dome

One of the buildings that was raised 10 to 12 feet to be level with the new sidewalk - but the raising was  not well done - note the distorted arches

Returning to the Waterfront Museum