Donner Peak and Mt. Judah
Photos by
Lisa Minelli, Debbie Knowles and Bruce Quick

Tom, Jerry, Jamie, Bruce, Debbie, Maureen, Chris, Gay; Lisa and Laura
in front

On the trail

Gay and Laura going up the trail

Beautiful stunted pine, with ski slopes in the background

The group: Jerry, Maureen, Debbie, Chris, Lisa, Jamie, Tom, Laura, Gay

This has to be climbed to get to Donner peak

Hike leader, Bruce, at the top



Lisa in front of Donner Lake

The group on Donner Peak

Bruce snacking

Laura resting

Tom on Donner peak

Gay trying to keep her hat on in the wind

Donner Lake view

Debbie with a vista of Donner Lake

Coming down from Donner peak

Gay and Debbie

Heading up Mt. Judah

Tom pointing out the sights to the group

Trying to keep our hats on in the wind