Photos from the Showers Lake Hike - taken by Ed Murach,  Larry Schurr, and David Wood

The hike presented us with views and vistas of wild flowers that were overwhelming.  Our photographers took so many wonderful pictures, that the triage necesssary to limit the number of pictures shown here was a delicate task.

Did you notice that the photo at the top of the Gallery Page is  from a previous Showers Lake hike?

The group of hikers:
hiking group

The on-going snowmelt created ephemeral falls like this

Hikers on the trail

The hike leader forges ahead

Crossing the headwaters of the Truckee River

Larry admiring the wildflower display

The Sierra Club lodge - the old Meiss ranch

Wild flowers on the trail - Steven's Peak in distance
flowered meadow

Mostly Lupines -  probably white and yellow Yarrow - distant Paintbrush

This scene includes yellow Mule Ears

Sulfur flower

Narrow-leaf Stonecrop

Distant white flowers are Corn Lilies

Alpine Aster

Lupine and Indian Paintbrush, plus some Yarrow and Aster

Western Blue Flag

Lots of Blue Flag along the trail

The trail ahead - Showers Lake is behind the right side of the distant ridge

Showers Lake
Showers Lake

Showers Lake

Lunch break, after 5.1 miles, at Showers Lake


Lake Tahoe overlook
Lake Tahoe View

Looking down on Dardanelles Lake