Moonlight Hike, Twelve Bridges Trail

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

DIFFICULTY: Easy+ (because of hiking in the dark)

ELEVATION GAIN: About 40 feet                         

HIKE DISTANCE: About 5 miles

GENERAL LOCATION: South across Twelve Bridges Road just outside of Lincoln Hills

DESCRIPTION: Celebrate simultaneous sunset and full moon rise on a nighttime hike! The trail showcases the Orchard Creek Open Space Preserve established by Lincoln when the Twelve Bridges development was approved (along with SCLH). From our meeting site at Pebblestone Lane and Parkside Road, we cross Twelve Bridges Road to grasslands adjacent to wetlands, then oak woodlands. Trail meanders along the preserve and loops around a pond. As in Lincoln Hills the preserve areas frame the development and at times are surprisingly wild. This is a 10-foot wide paved City trail for most of its length except for dirt trail around pond.   

HIKE LEADER/SWEEP: Gay Mackintosh/Barry Mackintosh

SPECIAL NOTES: Toilets at Wilson Park along the trail--but may be locked at night.


1)    Consider health issues prior to hiking. 

2)       Bring a copy of your ID (driver’s license), health card, and emergency contact name and phone number with you on the hike.

3)       Bring headlamp, flashlight, and water. Sturdy shoes for mostly paved trail; hiking pole or poles handy for balance in the dark.

RISKS: Extra care needed for walking in the dark.

QUESTIONS: Call Gay or Barry at 209-3628.

MEETING LOCATION: Meet at street parking site within SCLH—on Pebblestone Lane by Parkside Road. Park in neighborhood with courtesy.

DIRECTIONS: Parkside intersects Twelve Bridges Road at a stoplight. Pebblestone Lane is the last street off Parkside, within Lincoln Hills.

MEETING TIME: 7:00 PM; leaving time 7:10 PM. Sunset and full moon rise about 7:30 PM. Dark about 8:00.