HIKE NAME:  Mt. Olympia in Mt. Diablo State Park

DATE:  Tuesday, May 1,  2007

MEETING TIME:  7:00 am

LEAVING TIME:  7:15 am

HIKE LEADER:  Sue Geisler's brother -- Rich McDrew (currently President
of Mt. Diablo Interpretative Association)

HIKE SWEEP:  Sue Geisler

HIKE DISTANCE:  7 miles (a loop hike)

ELEVATION GAIN:  2200 feet

DIFFICULTY:  Strenuous

FACILITIES:  None at trailhead.  We will stop at a fast food restaurant
before reaching the trailhead.

TRAVEL TIME/RETURN TIME TO LINCOLN HILLS:  approximately 110 miles & 2
hrs./15 min. travel time /  return time to Lincoln approximately 7 pm
(after dinner in Clayton).

RIDERS:  Based on the length of the drive, a per person monetary
contribution for gas would be appreciated.  To be given to driver at
beginning of drive.  Detailed directions will be handed out to all
There is no fee for entrance to Mt. Diablo Park from the trailhead on
Marsh Creek Road.

GENERAL LOCATION:  Northeast part of Mt. Diablo State Park (which is
mainly in Walnut Creek, but we will enter from the town of Clayton).

PREPARATION FOR HIKE:  Refer to #8 Standard Hiking Equipment and #9
Guidelines for Hiking on the Hike Information and Guidelines handout. 
See above how to obtain handout.
The following are items suggested by Rich as well as Sue:  Hiking boots
with good tread as there is some loose scree on certain trail sections.
  Highly recommend trekking poles, but not required.
White or light colored, long sleeved shirt and light colored long
pants.  Shorts not recommended due to poison oak, although we will
avoid touching it!   Ticks are present, hence the need to wear light
colored clothing.   If you wish, spraying clothing with a Deet product
helps keep ticks away.    Bring lunch and plenty of water --- a minimum
of 64 ounces.  Wear a hat --- although there will be shade in some

RISKS:  Poison oak, ticks, some mosquitoes, rattlesnakes (but Rich will
keep an eye out for them!), possibly warm to hot day.  Rich and Sue are
not trying to scare hikers from attending this hike --- we believe in
no surprises!!

DESCRIPTION:  As quoted from the Mt. Diablo hike pamphlet:  "This is a
trip for those who enjoy an unlimited sky above and views into distant
depths below.  Mt.  Olympia, itself, is like a little throne,
high above (2946 feet) the encircling landscape, where you can sit and
observe the puny world below you, and beyond, the great plains  of the
Central Valley."  We will eat lunch at Mt. Olympia and also sign the
hiking log!!   With Rich as our leader and guide, we will learn much
about the Park and its natural and cultural history.  It is certain to
be a memorable experience!

QUESTIONS:  Call Sue Geisler at 408-1010, or suehiker@sbcglobal.net.