Genevieve and Crag Lakes

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Call Monique or David  (408-7562) if you plan to join us.

DIFFICULTY: Strenuous – long and at high altitude, but climbs are not steep


ELEVATION GAIN: 1230 feet – highest point is 7500 feet

9.8 miles

West shore, Lake Tahoe – starting near Meeks Bay

This delightful trail is varied with uphill, level stretches, meadows, and forest. The trail generally follows Meeks Creek, which includes many cataracts and waterfalls. Views of mountains are abundant. The beginning of the trail is a flat dirt road edged by broad meadows and conifer forest, which is rife with wild flowers. As you climb, backward glances reward with glimpses of Lake Tahoe. All along the creek tumbles loudly. We will first reach Lake Genevieve whose water reflects two prominent mountains. 0.3 miles further is Crag Lake, a perfect lunch place to gaze at rugged mountain peaks.


We plan to eat dinner before reaching home – depending on the time, we will eat in Tahoe City, or on the way home. We anticipate returning to the trailhead by 4:30. If you want to return directly home, work that out between driver and passengers.


TRAVEL TIME/DISTANCE: Approximately 2 1/4 hour – 98 miles (a $15 driver donation).

David and Monique Wood


FACILITIES AVAILABLE: None – plan on stopping at the McDonald’s in Truckee (just after the exit from I-80)
Refer to #8 and #9 in the ‘Hike

Information and Guidelines’ available on the website. Bring

plenty of water and snacks / lunch.

RISKS: Some stream crossings – bring hiking poles
Monique or David Wood 408-7562

MEETING TIME: 6:45 AM Orchard Creek Lot. Leaving time: 7:00 AM. We need to arrive at Meeks Bay early to be assured of parking space at the trailhead.


 View of Crag Lake