THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2016


DIFFICULTY:  Moderately strenuous

ELEVATION GAIN:  Hike starts at 1,600 feet and goes down to sea level and then climbs back up to 1,600.

HIKE DISTANCE:  7.3 mile loop.

GENERAL LOCATION: Pan Toll Ranger Station in Mt. Tamalpais State Park

DESCRIPTION:  We will start at the Pan Toll Ranger Station in Mt. Tamalpais State Park and hike the Matt Davis trail down to Stinson Beach.  We will return by way of the Steep Ravine and Dipsea Trails.  By combining the three trails we see a bit of everything, with waterfalls, redwood, Douglas fir, and oak forests, grassland, canyons, and views galore.  The Matt Davis trail is the longest of the three and consists primarily of woods of California Bays, buckeye, maple, and Douglas Fir.  We plan to have lunch at or near the beach in Stinson Beach.  You have the option of bringing your own lunch or lunch can be purchased at the Parkside Restaurant just outside the park.  The Dipsea Trail consists mostly of high grassy hills but reveals fabulous views of Stinson Beach, the Pacific coastline, and Point Reyes as we climb out of Stinson Beach.  The Steep Ravine Trail ascends up a redwood canyon passing two interesting waterfalls along Webb Creek.  A ten-foot ladder must be climbed at one of the falls. 

TRAVEL TIME/DISTANCE:  2 1/2 hour drive to the Pan Toll Ranger Station.  Hiking time between 4-5 hours.  The one-way distance is about 125 miles.  Based upon the length of the drive, a per-person monetary contribution for gas would be appreciated: $18 to be given to driver at beginning of drive.  Detailed driving directions will be handed out to all drivers.  Return to Lincoln about 6:30pm if you choose to drive home directly.

OPTIONAL DINNER:  An option for dinner on the way home would be Marin Joe’s Restaurant just off Highway 101 in Corte Madera.  Return to Lincoln would be about 8:30pm if you choose to stay for the optional dinner.

HIKE LEADER/SWEEP: Jim Fisher/Denny Fisher


FACILITIES AVAILABLE:  Bathrooms at Stinson Beach and at Pantoll Ranger Station.

PREPARATION FOR HIKE:  Hiking boots and hiking poles, water, layered clothing, bring lunch or money to buy lunch, and bring money if you plan to have dinner on the way home.

          RISKS: Poison Oak

QUESTIONS:  Call Denny Fisher at 505-4948